MRI of Rt Knee.
Lateral meniscus가 incomplete discoid shape이고 subtle intermeniscal increased SIs가 있음.
Medial meniscus posterior horn에도 subtle intermeniscal increased SIs가 있음.
MM anterior root insertion에 small (about 0.4cm) cystic fluid loculation이 있음.
ACL은 thinning되어 있고 posterorateral bundle의 margin이 patial indistint한 부분이 있으며 PCL은 bucking되어 있음.


1. Incomplete lateral discoid meniscus with intrameniscal lesion.
2. intrameniscal lesion in the posterior horn of MM.
3. A small cyst at the anterior root of MM.
4. partial tear of ACL, posterolateral bundle.recommend clinical correlation.2번하고 4번 앞에 R/O가 붙은거랑 안붙은거랑 무슨 차이가 있나요?답변부탁드립니다~

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