Top 10 Best BCAA Supplements of 2014 - Review

BCAAs or Branched Chain Amino Acids are some of the most important amino acids required to help muscle recover and grow. BCAAs are essential amino acids; that is they cannot be made in our bodies and must be obtained from the foods that we eat or the supplements that we take. There are three branched chain amino acids including leucine, isoleucine and valine. Perhaps the most important of all three BCAAs is leucine; which is highly considered as being the most anabolic amino acid there is helping to kick start muscle protein synthesis and growth processes. The other branched chain amino acids are also important and help to support anti-catabolic processes or in other words, helps to slow down muscle breakdown, especially during exercise. There are plenty of BCAA supplements around, some with added extras such as common pre-workout ingredients, while some simply offer the three amino acids. Here we look at some of the best BCAA supplements around and pick the top 10 BCAA supplements of 2014:

10. USPLabs Modern BCAA

USPLabs did not have the best 2013 year with their premier fat burner OxyElite Pro coming under scrutiny due to the presence of a potentially dangerous ingredient. Luckily their BCAA supplement; Modern BCAA only contains a handful of ingredients, none of which are considered unsafe. Modern BCAA is a solid BCAA supplement and intra-workout providing up to 10g of micronized branched chain amino acids and the recovery and rehydration ingredient Sustamine; a dipeptide in the form of L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine.

9. Axis Labs Clutch N'Gage

Axis Labs are a strong supplement company and make a variety of innovative supplements such as their re-released version of their popular pre-workout Smash in 2013; titling it SMA5H Compound 5. One of their older but fail safe supplements is Clutch N’Gage – their take on the intra-workout BCAA supplement. A simple supplement providing branched chain amino acids and glutamine for muscle recovery and building, Clutch N’Gage is an excellent no frills type of BCAA supplement.

8. BSN Amino X

BSN Amino X is a BCAA supplement containing all three branched chain amino acids along with L-Alanine, taurine and citrulline making it an excellent pre- and intra-workout supplement. More than simply supporting muscle recovery and growth, the ingredients in Amino X are aimed at improving blood flow, enhancing muscle cell hydration and therefore supporting ‘the pump’. Amino X also helps to support improved lifts and a faster return to exercise thanks to its ability to reduce muscle damage. BSN’s Amino X is a solid supplement that will really work in conjunction with your protein powder and pre-workouts.

7. Ronnie Coleman Amino Tone

Ronnie Coleman’s Amino-Tone was only launched late September 2013 around Mr Olympia weekend, but has already garnered a fan following. A highly innovative and unique supplement, Amino-Tone provides branched chain amino acids, a hydration and performance matrix of ingredients as well as a range of stimulant free fat loss ingredients such as raspberry ketones, coleus forskohlii and the fat metaboliser inositol just to name a few. One of the first fat loss BCAA supplements, Amino-Tone is a reflection of Ronnie Coleman’s experience and dedication to creating novel and specialised supplements.

6. Cellucor COR Performance Beta BCAA

Cellucor’s Beta-BCAA is one of the many supplements that the company released in 2013. A fantastic product, Beta-BCAA supplies high dose branched chain amino acids with the popular pre-workout ingredients citrulline and beta-alanine along with HICA; also known as alpha-hydroxyisocaproic acid or leucic acid, a metabolite of the BCAA leucine which has been shown to support lean muscle mass gains. COR Performance Beta-BCAA is an excellent pre-workout and intra-workout formula ideal for the trainer who wants a boost whilst they’re cycling off stimulated pre-workouts.

5. Elemental Nutrition Peptides

Elemental Nutrition are a staunch Australian company known for their large range of highly effective and innovative products. Besides a clever, tongue in cheek name, Peptides offers exactly what the name suggests, amino acid peptides. In fact, Elemental Nutrition have developed one of the most effective BCAA supplements around as peptides tend to be absorbed much faster and are more bioavailable than single amino acids, especially when taken in conjunction with a wide variety of other supplements such as protein powders. Peptides is not a cheap product thanks to the manufacturing processes required to produce such specific peptides, but if you’re an advanced trainer after a high-end product for your needs, then you can’t go past Elemental Nutrition Peptides.

4. Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy

Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy is a powerhouse of essential and branched chain amino acids as well as a caffeine, green coffee and green tea extract blend to support energy levels and workout performance. Optimum are known for their quality products and Amino Energy is no exception. For the number of different amino acids that the product offers, they could have included more per serve but without necessarily increasing the caffeine. Overall though, Amino Energy is an excellent supplement for those who want an easy entry into the pre-workout universe.

3. MusclePharm Amino 1

MusclePharm are creators of some of the most popular products and supplements around including Assault, Combat and Re-Con just to name a few, not to mention their investment into the Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed products. Amino 1 is their branched chain amino acid supplement and is an extremely comprehensive intra-workout supplement with BCAAs, an energy and performance blend featuring citrulline and other ingredients to support energy production such as carnitine and glycine as well as a potent hydration and pump matrix with ingredients such as coconut water, taurine and slippery elm bark. While Amino 1 contains a novel and patented ratio of BCAAs at 3:1:2, per single serve, there aren’t enough of these essential amino acids required to sustain longer workouts. MusclePharm Amino 1 is an excellent supplement for the beginner trainer who doesn’t want to spend time picking and choosing all the right ingredients and supplements to further their progress. The supplement’s user friendly nature and comprehensive formula is why we believe MusclePharm Amino 1 is the third best BCAA supplement of 2014.

2. Scivation Xtend & Xtend Endurance

Scivation Xtend has been the most celebrated BCAA and intra-workout supplement for the last couple of years now. While there have been BCAA supplements before, the release of Xtend resulted in the explosion of the intra-workout category and also the popularity of BCAAs. With branched chain amino acids, citrulline, glutamine and a range of electrolytes, Xtend is the perfect tool to assist with muscle growth and recovery, exercise performance and rehydration. The release of the new Xtend Endurance variant also includes plenty of carbohydrates for the endurance trainer who exercises over 1 or 2 hours and requires glycogen replenishment. Together the two supplements represent some of the best solutions to intra-workout supplementation and is why we think it is the second best BCAA supplement of 2014.

1. Gaspari Nutrition Aminolast

Gaspari Nutrition are no strangers to the supplement industry having released some of the most well known and respected supplements into the market including Superpump, SizeOn and MyoFusion. Aminolast may be a newer product, but it ranks just as highly as some of the earlier releases. Aminolast provides a huge dose of branched chain amino acids in its single amino acid form, but also includes leucine as peptides and also taurine and L-Ornithine L-Aspartate to support exercise performance and decrease fatigue. Leucine is considered the most anabolic of all amino acids and with 4.5g per serve and 2g in peptide form, Aminolast provides one hell of a boost to your muscle building and recovery. Aminolast is also one of the best tasting BCAA and intra-workout supplements around and provides a refreshing boost during harder and more intense training sessions. Great flavour, high dose BCAAs and the inclusion of leucine in peptide form for faster absorption is why we believe Gaspari Nutrition Aminolast is the best BCAA supplement of 2014.

Notable BCAA Supplements of 2014

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