1. 판매처 주소 & 제품가격

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2. 해당 제품을 사고 싶은 이유

-야채맛 3종스택이라네요 ㅎㅎ  신기한제품이라 궁금해서 올려요 ㅎㅎ

3가지로 나뉩니다.

화이트는 NOCARB 운동전부스터이며,지구력과 극단적 인 펌프를위해 크레아틴이함유되있습니다.


Betaine Anhydrous,타우린,티로신 그리고

카페인이없는 크레아틴




퍼플 말토덱스트린과 포도당이없는 BCAA/EAA 라 보시면됩니다.

화이트 운동전

그린 운동중 

퍼플 운동후

이렇게 보시면되네요~

서빙수는 3회라네요;;ㅋ

White Flood

White Flood is a cutting edge pre-workout formula that will rev you up for lifting and cardio like none other. Not only will you experience out of this world pumps, but loads of extra energy and true muscle building potential.*

  • Fast absorbing and fast acting*
  • Synergy, strength and stamina*
  • Endurance and extreme pumps*
  • Nutrient delivery and recovery*
  • Carb Free*
  • Ephedra / Ephedrine Free*
  • Stimulate neurons*
  • Enhanced creatine utilization*

View full product page & nutritional info »

    Green Magnitude

    We have responded to customer demand and the result: Green MAGnitude... Creatine with attitude. If you want to increase your stamina in the gym and gain size and strength, Green MAGnitude is the right choice for you.*

    • Juicy Green Sour Apple Flavor*
    • Exclusive Synergistic Creatine Formula*
    • Instantly Dissolves*
    • Patented Form of Creatine*
    • Improve Strength, Stamina, & Performance*
    • Greater Protein Synthesis*
    • No Bitter CEE Taste*
    • Caffeine Free*

    View full product page & nutritional info »

      Purple Wraath

      Discover the "Holy Grail" of bodybuilding and athletic performance enhancement: Boosting lean gains and fat loss while improving recovery times and increasing strength, endurance, and energy!*

      • Quick absorption/fast acting*
      • EAA & BCAA*
      • Caffeine-free ergogenic formula*
      • Delicious tangy grape flavor*
      • Natural anabolic environment*
      • Improve athletic performance, endurance, focus, stamina, and muscle recovery*
      • Legal, safe, and effective for both men and women*
      • Stimulate metabolism to reduce body fat*
      • Explosive strength, power, and energy*
      • Increase or maintain muscle mass whether cutting or bulking*
      • Dextrose/maltodextrin free*

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