Day 1: Heavy Squat Focused
Alternate Option: Back Squats

Day 2: Heavy Deadlift Focused
  • Deadlift DeadliftDeadlift
    5 sets of 3-5 reps at 75-85% max. Tempo: 2 sec down, fast up
  • Bodyweight Cossack Squat Bodyweight Cossack SquatBodyweight Cossack Squat
    5 sets of 6 reps each side, rest 3-5 minutes per set
  • Barbell Rows Barbell RowsBarbell Rows
    4 sets of 15 reps at 50% bodyweight. Tempo: 2 sec down, 2 sec up
  • Uneven Loaded Step-Back Lunges Uneven Loaded Step-Back LungesUneven Loaded Step-Back Lunges
    4 sets of 5 reps each leg. Load unevenly by 50 percent. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets; don't allow full recovery
  • Barbell Hip Thrusts Barbell Hip ThrustsBarbell Hip Thrusts
    4 sets of 12 reps. Tempo: 6 sec down, 1 sec up
  • Glute-Ham Raise Glute-Ham RaiseGlute-Ham Raise
    4 sets of 6 reps. Tempo: 6 sec down, 1 sec up. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets; don't allow full recovery

Day 3: Heavy Press Focused
  • Bench Press Bench PressBench Press
    5 sets of 3-5 reps at 75-85% max. Tempo: 3 sec down, fast up
  • Chin-Ups Chin-UpsChin-Ups
    5 sets to failure. Rest: 3-5 minutes per set
  • Dynamic Instability Squats Dynamic Instability SquatsDynamic Instability Squats
    4 sets of 15 reps at 50% max. Add 25 percent in swing weight
  • Military Press Military PressMilitary Press
    4 sets of 15 reps. Tempo: 1 sec up, 5 sec down. Rest: 30-60 seconds between sets; don't allow full recovery
  • Dumbbell Press Dumbbell PressDumbbell Press
    5 sets of 20 reps at 50% max. Tempo: 1 sec up, 1 sec down
  • Dumbbell Rows Dumbbell RowsDumbbell Rows
    5 sets of 15 reps at 50% max. Tempo: 1 sec up, 1 sec down. Rest: None until you're done


번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜
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